Tuesday, January 15, 2019 | |
Opening Session (link) | |
Chair: Nadia Al Bagdadi |
Striking from the Margins Founding Director |
Opening Remarks | |
Fadlo R. Khuri | AUB President |
Tarek Mitri | AUB-IFI, Director |
Seteney Shami | ACSS Director |
Nehal Amer | Carnegie Corporation of New York Program Assistant for Transnational Movements and the Arab Region |
Introduction | |
Chair: Nadia Al-Bagdadi |
Striking from the Margins Founding Director |
Speaker: Aziz Al-Azmeh |
Striking from the Margins Founding Director |
Panel I: States, political economies, and systemic collapse (link) | |
Chair: Carmen Geha |
Assistant Professor, Political Studies and Public Administration Department, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon |
Discussant: Rami Khouri |
Senior Public Policy Fellow, Professor of Journalism, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon |
Speakers: | |
Mudher Al-Alwani | Financial Policy Advisor / Office of the Iraqi Prime Minister (In Arabic) |
Iraqi market and ethnic-sectarian bioregionalism | |
Isam Al-Khafaji | Adjunct Scholar at the Middle East Institute Washington DC, Contributing Editor of Middle East Report |
Reconfiguring the state, restructuring communities | |
Virginie Collombier | Professor and Scientific Coordinator of the Middle East Directions Programme at the European University Institute of Florence, Italy (EUI) |
Post-Qaddafi Libya: Political agreements or a new social contract? | |
Adam Hanieh | Professor Department of Development Studies at SOAS, University of London |
State formation in the Middle East: The GCC and the political economy of the regional scale | |
Panel II: The devolution of violence: Militias, security organisms and war economies (link) | |
Chair: Aziz Al-Azmeh |
Striking from the Margins, Founding Director |
Discussant: Harout Akdedian |
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Central European University |
Speakers: | |
Omar Ashour | Founding Director of the Critical Security Studies Program at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies |
Islamist movements and ideologies, democratization, terrorism and insurgency in Syria and Iraq | |
Hosham Dawood | Anthropologist at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS - IIAC) |
Tribes and violence in armed conflict: An anthropologist’s view (in Arabic) | |
Stathis Kalyvas | Gladstone Professor of Government and Fellow of All Souls College at Oxford University |
Arab civil wars: An assessment | |
Frederic Wehrey | Senior Fellow Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D.C. |
Hybridized security governance: The case of Libya and beyond | |
Keynote address (link) | |
Chair: Nadia Al-Bagdadi |
Striking from the Margins Founding Director |
Speaker: Deniz Kandiyoti |
Emeritus Professor of Development Studies at SOAS University of London |
From the margins to the center? How gender politics became a litmus test of governance | |
Discussant: Seteney Shami |
Founding Director of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences |
Wednesday, January 16, 2019 | |
Panel III: Sectarianism, tribes and localities: From the margins to the center (link) | |
Chair: Tarek Mitri |
AUB-IFI, Director |
Discussant: Harith Hasan |
Striking from the Margins, Acting Co-Director and Senior Fellow |
Speakers: | |
Fabrice Balanche | Associate Professor and Research Director at the University of Lyon, France |
Demographics trends in Syria since 2011: Depopulation and sectarian homogenization | |
Asya El-Meehy | Visiting Researcher at Lund University, Sweden |
Governance from below: Comparing local experiments in Egypt and Syria after the uprisings | |
Rima Majed | Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies Department, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon |
How not to study sectarianism: Challenging the mainstream understanding of sectarianism in the Middle East | |
Haider Saeed | Researcher at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS) |
Doha The sect and the nation: A theoretical attempt, with references to Iraq | |
Panel IV: Reconfigurations of religion (link) | |
Chair: Seteney Shami |
Founding Director of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences, Beirut, Lebanon |
Discussant: Said Arjomand |
Director of the Stony Brook Institute for Global Studies, USA |
Speakers: | |
Harout Akdedian | Striking from the Margins Post-doctoral Fellow |
Radical theology in the Syrian war: The instrumentality of exclusionary practices and spectacular violence | |
Sari Hanafi | Professor of Sociology, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon |
Sharia studies without social science in Damascus University - A model of classical Sharia studies | |
Harith Hasan | Striking from the Margins Acting Co-Director and Senior Fellow |
Religious actors, political (dis)order and the reconfiguration of margin-center relations in Iraq: The case of Shi’i celerical authority | |
Faris Nadhmi | President of the Iraqi Association for Political Psychology, Baghdad, Iraq |
Conversions of the cultural hegemony in Iraq: The decline of islamism and emergence of national identity (in Arabic) | |
Panel V: Transnationalism and margins: Jihadism and local networks (link) | |
Chair: Rayan El-Amine | Assistant Director, AUB-IFI |
Discussant: Sari Hanafi | Professor of Sociology, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon |
Speakers: | |
Hamzeh Al-Mustafa | Researcher, Arab Center for Policy Studies, Doha |
Virtual networks during the Syrian revolution (in Arabic) | |
Patrick Haenni | Middle East special advisor for the Humanitarian Dialogue Centre, Geneva |
Jihadi militancy: The fall of clerical Islam and the conservative revolution by a new urban bourgeoisie | |
Loulouwa Al Rachid | Co-director of the Program on Civil-Military Relations in Arab States, Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut, Lebanon |
ISIS and tribes in Northern and Northeastern Iraq | |
Asmaa Jameel Rasheed | Professor at the Center for Women’s Studies, University of Baghdad, Iraq |
Managing the past in Iraq, the position of local communities and governmental authorities from the families of ISIS militants | |
Conversation (link) | |
Chair: Seteney Shami |
ACSS Beirut |
Aziz Al-Azmeh | CEU- SFM, Budapest |
Bassma Kodmani | Co-founder and Executive Director of the Arab Reform Initiative, Paris, France |
How has the Machreq changed since 2011, and is there an end in sight to disaggregation? | |
Thursday, January 17, 2019 | |
Panel VI: State disaggregation and geopolitics (link) | |
Chair: Musa Shteiwi |
Director of the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan |
Discussant: Luna Abu Sweire |
Director General, Centre for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, Lebanon |
Speakers: | |
Florence Gaub | Deputy Director of the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), Brussels, Belgium |
Recent military developments and future perspectives in and for the Syrian war | |
Bassma Kodmani | Co-founder and Executive Director of the Arab Reform Initiative, Paris, France |
The future of the Syrian state: What would a safe transition entail? | |
Robert A. Saunders | Professor in the Department of History, Politics, and Geography at Farmingdale State College, State University of New York (SUNY) |
Extending the Katechon: Religio-civilizational vectors in Russia’s intervention in the Levant |
Conclusionary remarks (link) |