Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Opening Session (link)
Nadia Al Bagdadi
Striking from the Margins Founding Director
Opening Remarks
Fadlo R. Khuri AUB President 
Tarek Mitri AUB-IFI, Director
Seteney Shami ACSS Director
Nehal Amer Carnegie Corporation of New York Program Assistant for Transnational Movements and the Arab Region
Nadia Al-Bagdadi
Striking from the Margins Founding Director
Aziz Al-Azmeh
Striking from the Margins Founding Director
Panel I: States, political economies, and systemic collapse (link)
Carmen Geha
Assistant Professor, Political Studies and Public Administration Department, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon
Rami Khouri
Senior Public Policy Fellow, Professor of Journalism, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon
Mudher Al-Alwani Financial Policy Advisor / Office of the Iraqi Prime Minister (In Arabic) 
Iraqi market and ethnic-sectarian bioregionalism
Isam Al-Khafaji Adjunct Scholar at the Middle East Institute Washington DC, Contributing Editor of Middle East Report 
Reconfiguring the state, restructuring communities
Virginie Collombier Professor and Scientific Coordinator of the Middle East Directions Programme at the European University Institute of Florence, Italy (EUI) 
Post-Qaddafi Libya: Political agreements or a new social contract?
Adam Hanieh Professor Department of Development Studies at SOAS, University of London 
State formation in the Middle East: The GCC and the political economy of the regional scale
Panel II: The devolution of violence: Militias, security organisms and war economies (link)
Aziz Al-Azmeh
Striking from the Margins, Founding Director
Harout Akdedian
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Central European University
Omar Ashour Founding Director of the Critical Security Studies Program at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies 
Islamist movements and ideologies, democratization, terrorism and insurgency in Syria and Iraq
Hosham Dawood Anthropologist at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS - IIAC) 
Tribes and violence in armed conflict: An anthropologist’s view (in Arabic)
Stathis Kalyvas Gladstone Professor of Government and Fellow of All Souls College at Oxford University 
Arab civil wars: An assessment
Frederic Wehrey Senior Fellow Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D.C. 
Hybridized security governance: The case of Libya and beyond
Keynote address (link)
Nadia Al-Bagdadi
Striking from the Margins Founding Director
Deniz Kandiyoti
Emeritus Professor of Development Studies at SOAS University of London 
From the margins to the center? How gender politics became a litmus test of governance
Seteney Shami
Founding Director of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Panel III: Sectarianism, tribes and localities: From the margins to the center (link)
Tarek Mitri
AUB-IFI, Director
Harith Hasan
Striking from the Margins, Acting Co-Director and Senior Fellow
Fabrice Balanche Associate Professor and Research Director at the University of Lyon, France 
Demographics trends in Syria since 2011: Depopulation and sectarian homogenization
Asya El-Meehy Visiting Researcher at Lund University, Sweden
Governance from below: Comparing local experiments in Egypt and Syria after the uprisings
Rima Majed Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies Department, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon
How not to study sectarianism: Challenging the mainstream understanding of sectarianism in the Middle East
Haider Saeed Researcher at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS)
Doha The sect and the nation: A theoretical attempt, with references to Iraq
Panel IV: Reconfigurations of religion (link)
Seteney Shami
Founding Director of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences, Beirut, Lebanon 
Said Arjomand
Director of the Stony Brook Institute for Global Studies, USA
Harout Akdedian Striking from the Margins Post-doctoral Fellow
Radical theology in the Syrian war: The instrumentality of exclusionary practices and spectacular violence
Sari Hanafi Professor of Sociology, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon
Sharia studies without social science in Damascus University - A model of classical Sharia studies
Harith Hasan Striking from the Margins Acting Co-Director and Senior Fellow
Religious actors, political (dis)order and the reconfiguration of margin-center relations in Iraq: The case of Shi’i celerical authority
Faris Nadhmi President of the Iraqi Association for Political Psychology, Baghdad, Iraq 
Conversions of the cultural hegemony in Iraq: The decline of islamism and emergence  of national identity (in Arabic)
Panel V: Transnationalism and margins: Jihadism and local networks (link)
Chair: Rayan El-Amine Assistant Director, AUB-IFI 
Discussant: Sari Hanafi Professor of Sociology, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon
Hamzeh Al-Mustafa Researcher, Arab Center for Policy Studies, Doha
Virtual networks during the Syrian revolution (in Arabic)
Patrick Haenni Middle East special advisor for the Humanitarian Dialogue Centre, Geneva 
Jihadi militancy: The fall of clerical Islam and the conservative revolution by a new urban bourgeoisie
Loulouwa Al Rachid Co-director of the Program on Civil-Military Relations in Arab States, Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut, Lebanon
ISIS and tribes in Northern and Northeastern Iraq
Asmaa Jameel Rasheed Professor at the Center for Women’s Studies, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Managing the past in Iraq, the position of local communities and governmental authorities from the families of ISIS militants
Conversation (link)
Seteney Shami
ACSS Beirut
Aziz Al-Azmeh CEU- SFM, Budapest
Bassma Kodmani Co-founder and Executive Director of the Arab Reform Initiative, Paris, France
How has the Machreq changed since 2011, and is there an end in sight to disaggregation? 
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Panel VI: State disaggregation and geopolitics (link)
Musa Shteiwi
Director of the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan
Luna Abu Sweire
Director General, Centre for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, Lebanon
Florence Gaub Deputy Director of the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), Brussels, Belgium
Recent military developments and future perspectives in and for the Syrian war
Bassma Kodmani Co-founder and Executive Director of the Arab Reform Initiative, Paris, France
The future of the Syrian state: What would a safe transition entail?
Robert A. Saunders Professor in the Department of History, Politics, and Geography at Farmingdale State College, State University of New York (SUNY) 

Extending the Katechon: Religio-civilizational vectors in Russia’s intervention in the Levant

Conclusionary remarks (link)