Advanced Certificate in Religious Studies
AY 2024/25
MA Courses, Winter Term
- Gender and Religion (2 credits, Nadia Al-Bagdadi)
- RELI 5004 - Lecture Series: Center for Religious Studies (0 credits, István Perczel)
- Grand Debates in Eastern Mediterranean History (2 credits, Brett Wilson)
- Grand Debates in Global History (2 credits, István Perczel)
- Great Themes of Late Antique and Medieval Philosophy Latin and Byzantine (2 credits, György László Geréby and István Perczel)
- The Qur'an: History, Object, Text (2 credits, Brett Wilson)
- Illiberalism: Politics and Ideologies (2 credits, Zsolt Enyedi)
- Introduction to South Asian and Tibetan Religion and Philosophy II (1 credit, István Perczel)