Muhammad Ahmed
Two-year Masters, Philosophy
A Rational Theist Perspective on the Christian Conception of God: An Argument from Logic and Simplicity
Aleksandar Anđelović
Two-year Masters, Medieval Studies
Between the Literal and the Literary: Social Background, Linguistic Competence, and the Bible in the Late-Antique Latin Translations of the Vita Antonii
Meera Bisht
One-year Masters, Sociology
Exclusion in Deity Possession Rituals in Kumaon: Women mediums and viewers locked in the structures of Caste, Gender, and Religion
Sara Boljević
One-year Masters, Philosophy
E. J. Lowe’s Argument for the Existence of God: A Neo-Platonic Defense
Departmental & ACRS Supervisors: Howard Robinson and Michael Griffin
Misel Gara
One-year Masters, Medieval Studies
Agape: Social Aspects of the Early Christian Love-Feast
Yusuf Selman İnanç
Two-year Masters, History
The Evolution of a Naqshbandi/Khalidi Group in Modern Turkey: The Menzil
Müberra Kapusuz
Two-year Masters, Medieval Studies
A Study on Gelibolulu Mustafa Ali’s Mirror of the Worlds (Mir’atü’l-Avalim): Patronage, Politics and Millennial Anxieties at the Court of Sultan Murad III (r. 1574-1595)
Shota Matitashvili
One-year Masters, Medieval Studies
The Canonical Status of the Iberian (Eastern Georgian) Church during Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
Glenn Mills
Two-year Masters, Medieval Studies
Christianity’s Judicial Voice: Elements of Roman Private Law in Latin Christian Sources 2nd – 5th Century CE)
Eszter Sajni
Two-year Masters, Medieval Studies
The Ambitious Mystic: Public Sanctity and its Pitfalls in the Case of Magdalena de la Cruz
Olha Stasiuk
One-year Masters, Medieval Studies
Per Vim et Metum: Coercion to Marriage and Monasticism in Registers of the Apostolic Penitentiary for Central Europe (1431-1503)
Şahin Yaldız
Two-year Masters, Cultural Heritage
Latmos: A Cultural Landscape in Anotolia
Burak Yazici
Two-year Masters, History
Reconsidering the Rhetoric if Ottoman Gaza and the Discourse of European Antemurale in the Late Fifteenth Century: Legitimacy, Myths, and Imperial Ideologies
Aisajiang Youshe
Two-year Masters, History
Thesis Title: “A Foreign Mulla’s Great, a Local Mulla is Fake”: The Trans-Imperial Mobility and Islamic Authority of Shami Damulla (1870-1932?)
Faeza Yuldasheva
Two-year Masters, Medieval Studies
Thesis Title: ‘Ernest Penny of Heaven’: Idioms of Work, Wealth, and Exchange in
Middle English Devotional Literature