ACRS Class of 2020

July 2, 2021

Eszter Jakab
Two-year Masters, Cultural Heritage Studies
Remembering Enlightenment: Bodh Gaya in the Cultural Memory of Thailand

Arnold Kovács
Two-year Masters, Gender Studies
Diaspora, Islam and Belonging: Conceptualizing Queer Muslim Subjectivities in Berlin

Armin Stefanović
One-year Masters, History
Theosophy and the New Age in Yugoslavia and its Successor States

Eylül Çetinbaş
One-year Masters, Medieval Studies
A Bride of Christ and an Intercessor of Muhammad: Comparative Saints’ Cults of St. Catherine of Alexandra and Rabi’a of Basra in the Middle Ages

Lili Tóth 
Two-year Masters, Medieval Studies
Painted Textile from Riggisberg: An Old Testament Cycle in the Context of Hellenistic Jewish and Christian Art

Talia Dunyak
Two-year Masters, International Relations
Mission to Help: A Post-Colonial Analysis of UMC Mission Trips as a Form of Voluntourism


Nikola Gajić
One-year Masters, Nationalism Studies
Contemporary Serbian Ethno-Religious Nationalism in Montenegro: The Position of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian state towards the Montenegrin Law on Religious Freedoms


Elizabeth Sadusky  
One-year Masters, Nationalism Studies
What do you mean “Christian Democracy”? An analysis of conflicting claim making of the Fidesz, Christian Democratic Union, and Austrian People’s Party on Christian Democratic Ideology
