CEU Advanced Certificate in Religious Studies
Graduating Class
25 June 2022
Fynn Erik Adomeit
One-year Masters, Political Science
Religious Mobilization in the United States: The Christian Churches in Times of War
Ana Inés Aldazabal
Two-year Masters, Medieval Studies
The Theme of Witchcraft in French Medieval Romance: From Cligès to Perceforest
Katarina Balcirakova
Two-year Masters, Medieval Studies
Separatio vel reconciliatio: The diversity of Christian rituals of excommunication and penance in tenth and eleventh centuries
Sophia Fehrenbach
Two-year Masters, Public Policy
Teaching Religion, Providing Justice? Implementing Yazidis’ right to Religious Education and Formal Recognition in Germany
Viktoria Kobzeva
Two-year Masters, Nationalism Studies
Forms of Authority, Social and Symbolic Boundaries: Chechen Diaspora and Diasporic Organizations in Austria
Alejandra Mayer
One-year Masters, Sociology
Moving On: Religious Beliefs of Central American Migrants on their Way to the United States
Abdullah Mirza
Two-year Masters, History
Political Nationalism’s Oedipal Moment: Abrahamic Psychologies in Central European and Late Colonial Indian Fins de Siècle
Maliha Mohsin
Two-year Masters, Gender Studies
Gendered Negotiations for Inheritance between the State and Islam in Bangladesh
Johan Muzhangody
One-year Masters, History
Contesting Colonial Consecrations: A Study of Canon Law, Apostolic Succession and Episcopal Consecration in 19th-Century Colonial India
Ngan Thi Thanh Vu
Two-year Masters, Philosophy
The Ontological Status and Modality of Eternal Truths and Essences in Descartes
Aleksandar Ivanov Zhabov
Two-year Masters, History
Examining the Role of Mount Athos in the Religious and Cultural History of Eastern Europe: The Case of the Bulgarian Orthodox Monastery of Zograf and Its Monks, c. 1600-c. 1650