CRS faculty are presenting at Turkologentag and DAVO 2023, Vienna

September 15, 2023
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CEU faculty and students will be at Turkologentag and DAVO next week. Check the program to learn about the roundtables and presentations CEU members will bring and to join the event. 

21 September:


Cankat Kaplan (together with Hasan Karataş), Deconstructing İcazetnames: The Rise and Fall of the Suhrawardi Heritage in the Formation and Periodization of Ottoman Sufism

Raife Cemre Kumla, Being, Belonging: Gendered Mechanisms of Sexual Violence in Nation-Making

Brett Wilson, Bektashi Lodges in the Turkish Republic (1923-1964): Confiscation, Neglect, and Museumization

János Galamb, Canons of hadith in the training of the 15th and 16th-century Ottoman Rumi ilmiye

Karolina Anna Kotus, Embassy of Ottoman Christian ambassador Thomas Kantakouzenos to Moscow in 1627


Kurdish Turn?: Rethinking memory and history of Collective Violence through Kurdish Studies, chaired by Yektan Türkyılmaz

22 September:


Mariya Mihaylova Kiprovska, Frontier Lords as Intermediaries between the Ottoman State and its Christian Neighbors


Studies on Sufism in Perspective, chaired by Brett Wilson

Late Ottoman Culture and Debates on Religion, chaired by Brett Wilson

Round-table: A new textbook project:Teaching Gender Studies in Middle East Studies, chaired by Nadia al-Bagdadi

23 September:

Yektan Türkyılmaz, Prophesizing War, Revolution and Catastrophe: March-mania and Belliphonic Recordings in the Ottoman World, 1908-1914 

Necmiye Karakuş, Striving for the Nation's Fitness: Eugenic Thought in Turkey and Japan (1920s-1940s) 

Rana Bayram, Avrupa Seyahati Hatırası (1916-1919): An Elite Ottoman Woman's Travels through Europe during the Great War

For further information, please check:

